online gallery & workshop
Роспись стен • Wall painting
Evgenya Severskaya
"Викинг" Роспись стены в детской комнате. Процесс от начала до настоящего момента. Скоро будут фотографии завершенной картины!
"Viking". A painting on the wall in a children's room. Process from the start to the present moment. Soom there would be photos of the finished painting!
The Garden contains 50 different gardens and plant collections. There is a serene cascade waterfall, as well as wetlands and a 50-acre (20 ha) tract of original, never-logged, old-growth New York forest.
Роспись стены магазина Лего в ТЦ «Сквер» (Москва)
Размер росписи 15 кв. м.

Использованы объемные блоки из пенокартона

A wall painting in the Lego shop
Size of painting 3x5 m

There vere used the blocks of plastic foam for the bricks

The Garden contains 50 different gardens and plant collections. There is a serene cascade waterfall, as well as wetlands and a 50-acre (20 ha) tract of original, never-logged, old-growth New York forest.
Контакты • Contacts:
+7 909 681 98 20