Album Art by Evgenya Severskaya


Mister Raven greets you.

I painted him from a video of my friend, where her raven mooves.

He's a symbol of Wizardcrow the band, becoming the band's logo.

The idea to depict him with the human's hands belongs to Ekatherina, the vocalist of the band.

The graphic style was my idea.

Inspired by ancccient etchings and works of Aubrey Beardsley.

There are three variants of Raven's image.

The main one, drawn by liners and markers on a paper with special texture.
And two others.

The middle one is created in technique of liner, pencil and marcer on texture paper.

The small one is made by liner, gouache, marker and acrylic based on small printed copy of bigger raven, after he was scanned.
All three ravens were scanned and exist like easel works, framed in glass frames,
and as digital files after scanning the origina works.
The main drawing was completed by adding a photo of petrol coloures on the ground. I bought this photo on stock site.
I am proud of this work!
Links where you can listen the band Wizardcrow:
Yandeks Music


Group in VKontakte
Video, where I give dravings to Ekaterina
2023-02-15 00:20 Graphics